If you submitted the form, you can call it a day, and we'll be in touch with you soon.
Photo: Ministry of tourism
Two more ways a 'group' can save money
Photo: Ministry of tourism
I: Save $$ by joining with a congenial community:
I: Save $$ by joining with a congenial community:
Above, we presented the notion of buying with random others in order to save money - the only commonality with your neighbors is that you all chose the same exact location.
Above, we presented the notion of buying with random others in order to save money - the only commonality with your neighbors is that you all chose the same exact location.
Here we present the idea of buying with a group of people who are similar to you, so you feel your building (or collection of private homes) forms its own mini-neighborhood. Besides gaining a congenial mini-community, there's an additional benefit as explained in the graphic below.
Here we present the idea of buying with a group of people who are similar to you, so you feel your building (or collection of private homes) forms its own mini-neighborhood. Besides gaining a congenial mini-community, there's an additional benefit as explained in the graphic below.
What makes a neighborhood attractive to you as an option to move into - is it the type of people? the general ambience? It may be possible to create this ambience together with your building-neighbors.
What makes a neighborhood attractive to you as an option to move into - is it the type of people? the general ambience? It may be possible to create this ambience together with your building-neighbors.
Where might you be willing to live if you had a nice "community-in-a-building"?
Where might you be willing to live if you had a nice "community-in-a-building"?
We'll be asking you these questions in the 4-question "Optional Section" of the survey below, so that we can group you with others who answered similarly.
We'll be asking you these questions in the 4-question "Optional Section" of the survey below, so that we can group you with others who answered similarly.
"Live with neighbors like thyself!"
"Live with neighbors like thyself!"
Those who chose this option can benefit doubly: by getting a group-rate, and by getting this reduced group-price on an apartment which is cheaper to begin with since it is in a less expensive neighborhood.
Those who chose this option can benefit doubly: by getting a group-rate, and by getting this reduced group-price on an apartment which is cheaper to begin with since it is in a less expensive neighborhood.
For organizations & community leaders, local resident-committees, governmental & municipal authorities, entrepreneurs & housing professionals: Click here if you wish to use the site as a platform to create your own groups and communities.
For organizations & community leaders, local resident-committees, governmental & municipal authorities, entrepreneurs & housing professionals: Click here if you wish to use the site as a platform to create your own groups and communities.
II: Special design: greater convenience & increased savings
II: Special design: greater convenience & increased savings
In the survey we'll ask which is YOUR demographic, and whether you might possibly be interested in a 'special design' building. If so, we can introduce you to others wanting the same, via a no-commitment discussion forum on our site. In many cases this can save each member of the group a lot of money - as well as increasing convenience.
In the survey we'll ask which is YOUR demographic, and whether you might possibly be interested in a 'special design' building. If so, we can introduce you to others wanting the same, via a no-commitment discussion forum on our site. In many cases this can save each member of the group a lot of money - as well as increasing convenience.
All groups can for example choose for their building to have a common room to serve as a synagogue and/or social/cultural/educational center.
All groups can for example choose for their building to have a common room to serve as a synagogue and/or social/cultural/educational center.
For a group composed of:
For a group composed of:
* families with small children: the apartments can have cleverly designed small bedrooms, with a common playroom in the building;
https://www.pinterest.com/angelicamschwei/multiple-kids-room/?lp=true* families with small children: the apartments can have cleverly designed small bedrooms, with a common playroom in the building;
* families arriving with an elderly grandparent: the apartments can be designed to have an attached granny-flat, and the building can have a common social-room for the grandparents;
* families arriving with an elderly grandparent: the apartments can be designed to have an attached granny-flat, and the building can have a common social-room for the grandparents;
* seniors: small apartments, with safety features, and a common room in the building for socializing;
* seniors: small apartments, with safety features, and a common room in the building for socializing;
* singles, mini-apts with a social-room in the building;
* singles, mini-apts with a social-room in the building;
Or any other design YOUR group decides on, to fit the common needs of your group, and do so space-efficiently. You can collaborate online with the members of your group to choose an architect, and work with them online to execute the design your group chooses. A building can be designed with a mix of types, apartments suited to different demographics, or it can be devoted solely to YOUR demographic. In effect, the entire building and individual apartments would all be designed to reflect YOUR needs. Perhaps living in such a building where the residents have this in common can add to the sense of a "community-in-a-building". Another way to save: Groups wanting the same design but in different regions can hire the same architect, sharing the design fee.
Please write to us if you have any questions at all, we'll be very happy to help: Avi@OlimCommunity.com
For realtors, contractors, architects and other housing professionals: click here if you wish to serve the groups formed by the site.
There's a bit more explanation below. And other aspects are presented as part of the comprehensive matching-survey (you can just read through it, or if you wish you can fill it out at your leisure).
There's a bit more explanation below. And other aspects are presented as part of the comprehensive matching-survey (you can just read through it, or if you wish you can fill it out at your leisure).
Optional: Review of the process, and some additional information: